Functions and Hall Hire

Corporate Events
Arrange your Corporate Events here, as well as Year End functions.
We have the space for small to medium functions... Contact us to see if we can accomodate your Company size.

Planning a Wedding...
Contact us or make arrangements to see the facility before booking.

Private Parties
You can have your private parties inside or outside on the lawns... Birthdays, Barmitzva's, Kitchen Tea's,
You just think of the occasion we have the venue

Garden Parties
The lush green lawns are a perfect setting for a summer garden party or even just a traditional South African Braai...

Craft Market Stand Hire
We can let you Rent a Stand Site for our very sucsesful Craft Markets held from time to time... Please refer to Upcomming Events on our Menu for Dates

Social Evenings at the Bar
Bar Fully Licenced
As a Member you are entitled to join us at the Bar for our Social Evenings held once a month... The next Social Date can be seen in Menus under "Upcomming Events"